Welcome to the RDQ Setup Guide! RDQ is a robust plugin that comes packed with various features right from the start. This guide will take you through each step to help you maximize RDQ's potential. It offers customizable rank trees, quests, titles, achievements, and player stats. Alongside these, players get access to an in-game GUI, unique passives (perks), and, with additional setup, a web GUI.
Supported plugins: LuckPerms, CMI or Essentials, Vault, Towny, Jobs Reborn, EcoJobs, Aura Skills, mcMMO, PlaceholderAPI, Plan, MythicMobs, DiscordSRV
Minimum Recommended: LuckPerms and PlaceholderAPI
Follow these simple steps to start using RDQ:
/papi ecloud download Player
/rq create groups
/rq create permissions
. This will add necessary permissions for RDQ, Towny, mcMMO, DiscordSRV, Jobs, CMI, and Essentials to the default rank. Command does not add any permissions for missing plugins on the server./lp editor
in LuckPerms.RaindropQuests.player
using the Web GUI./lp group default permission set RaindropQuests.player true
and complete the remaining fields for the Master and Node server.
RDQ provides a distinct achievement system based on tiered progression. By default, RDQ includes tiers such as Initiate, Apprentice, Novice, Famed, and Master achievements. When players check their achievements, they can review the tiers reached. RDQ offers a collection of over 100 achievements, and expanding this list is straightforward. For better organization, categorize achievements by creating separate configuration files within plugin/RDQ/achievements/
and easily load them into RDQ! Player achievements are checked on a timer and when players open the GUI.
Achievement2: # AchievementID | Permission node: RaindropQuests.achievement.Achievement2
Name: <#55FF55>Apprentice Miner # Achievement name
Material: IRON_PICKAXE # In-game GUI button
Lore: # Achievement description
- Mine 1,000 blocks
Prefix: <#55FF55>Apprentice Miner # Prefix unlocked
Suffix: <#55FF55>the Apprentice Miner # Suffix unlocked
Requirements: # Requirements section
Type: Achievement # Achievement types: Achievement
Condition: achievement1 # For achievement type, the condition is the required AchievementID.
Path: achievement3 # Path is specified if the achievement chain continues
Argument: '' # Argument is not required for Achievement type
Result: '' # Result not required for Achievement type
Type: PAPI # PAPI types: PAPI, PlaceholderAPI, Placeholder
Condition: '%statistic_mine_block%' # Placeholder condition required
Argument: More # Argument types include: MORE, LESS, EQUAL | EQUALS
Result: '1000' # Result is the return value when PAPI is run
RDQ offers a distinct quest system designed specifically for use within RDQ. Quests serve as the primary method for acquiring RDQ passives and machines. Server owners have extensive control, setting quest limits, timers, and requirements such as items, other quests, mcMMO skills, Jobs, potions, kills, economy, or custom RDQ money, leveraging PlaceholderAPI. Note: Item requirements should not exceed player inventory. To streamline quest management, categorize them as dailies, weeklies, and pooled quests by creating separate configuration files within plugin/RDQ/quests/
Quest2: # QuestID | Permission node: RaindropQuests.quests.Quest2
Title: <#00AA00>Codly Any Fish # Quest title
Material: COD # In-game GUI material
Lore: # Quest lore
- Codly Any Fish!
- Get it? Cause hardly...
- '<#FF5555>Requirements: <#FFFFFF>250 total mcMMO level'
- '10 in Crafter job, 3 cow slaughters, 5 healing potions crafted'
- 'Happy Birthday Completed 5 times, 15 Quests completed, 64 Stone, $500, 50 Raindrops'
- '<#5555FF>Rewards: <#FFFFFF>$450, 500 Raindrops'
- <#FFFF55>Daily
CoolDown: 86400 # Cool down - in seconds
Limit: -1 # Quest completion limit. -1 = unlimited
Requirements: # Requirements section
Requirement1: # mcMMO Skill requirement
Type: Skill # Also accepts type: mcMMO
ID: Total
Value: 250.0
Requirement2: # Jobs Reborn requirement
Type: Job
ID: Crafter
Value: 10.0
Requirement3: # Kill requirement
Type: Kill
ID: cow
Value: 3.0
Requirement4: # Potion crafting requirements, use PAPI for standard item crafted requirements
Type: Potion
ID: minecraft:potion{Potion:healing}
Value: 5.0
Requirement5: # Quest requirement
Type: Quest # Alternatively, use PAPI with %rdq_quest_quest1_completed%
ID: Quest1
Value: 5
Requirement5: # PlaceholderAPI requirement
Type: PAPI # Also accepts type: PlaceholderAPI | Placeholder
ID: %rdq_jobs_total%
Value: 15
Requirement6: # Vanilla item requirement. Items removed from inventory when completing quest.
Type: Item # Also accepts type: itemstack | mat | material
ID: Stone
Value: 64.0
Requirement7: # Economy value requirement
Type: money # Also accepts type: $, bank
ID: economy # Also accepts ID: vault, cmi, essentials
Value: 500.0
Requirement8: # RDQ value requirement
Type: money # Also accepts type: $, bank
ID: custom # Also accepts ID: raindrops, rdq, riandrop
Value: 50.0
Requirement3: # Month requirement. This example effectively makes the quest only available in January
ID: MONTH # Also accepts: DATE (day of month) | DAY (day of week)
Value: 1 # Example: If user sets DAY to 1 quest can only be completed on Monday
Rewards: # Rewards are a list of commands run upon completion. Similar to "Commands" section of a rank.
- rq money add %player_name% 500
- rq confirm
- money add %player_name% 50 # Use eco give
for essentials
Enabling custom rank unlocks is straightforward. To grant players access to a custom feature from RDQ or any other plugin, assign the relevant permission to the appropriate group in LuckPerms! When a player unlocks the rank through RDQ, they receive the permissions group, allowing access to all features associated with that rank! For easier rank management, split them into tier by creating separate configuration files within plugin/RDQ/ranks/
rank3: # RankID | Permission node: RaindropQuests.ranks.rank3
Title: <#FFAA00>Apprentice # Rank Title
Material: nether_bricks # In-game GUI material
Lore: [] # Lore - In Game
WebLore: [] # Lore - In Browser
ShowRequirementsInGame: true # Show RDQ Generated Requirements
RequiredRanks: # RDQ Rank Requirement
- rank2
Path: # RDQ Rank Path
- rank5
- rank6
LuckPermsGroup: rank3 # LuckPermsGroup identifier
Prefix: <#FFAA00>Apprentice # Prefix unlocked
Suffix: <#FFAA00>the Apprentice # Suffix unlocked
Weight: 3 # Weight - used to weight permissions. Usually, a linear number progession matching RankID is acceptable. For advanced users.
Tier: 3 # Rank tier
Commands: [] # Commands executed when player obtains rank
Requirements: # Requirements section
Requirement1: # mcMMO Skill requirement
Type: Skill # Also accepts type: mcMMO
ID: Total
Value: 250.0
Requirement2: # Jobs Reborn requirement
Type: Job
ID: Crafter
Value: 10.0
Requirement3: # Kill requirement
Type: Kill
ID: cow
Value: 3.0
Requirement4: # Potion crafting requirements, use PAPI for standard item crafted requirements
Type: Potion
ID: minecraft:potion{Potion:healing}
Value: 5.0
Requirement5: # Quest requirement
Type: Quest # Alternatively, use PAPI with %rdq_quest_quest1_completed%
ID: Quest1
Value: 5
Requirement5: # PlaceholderAPI requirement
Type: PAPI # Also accepts Type: PlaceholderAPI | Placeholder
ID: %rdq_jobs_total%
Value: 15
Cost1: # Standard vault economy cost
Type: Money # Also accepts Type: $ | bank
ID: Economy
Value: 3000.0
Cost2: # Standard custom money cost. Default: Raindrops
Type: Money # Also accepts Type: $ | bank
ID: Raindrops # Also accepts ID: custom
Value: 3000.0
Cost3: # Vanilla item cost. Items removed from inventory when ranking up.
Type: Item # Also accepts Type: itemstack | mat | material
ID: Stone
Value: 64.0
Cost4: # mcMMO skill cost. Reduction of skill level to obtain rank.
Type: Skill
ID: Mining
Value: 2.0
Cost5: # Jobs level cost. Reduction of job level to obtain rank.
Type: Job
ID: Miner
Value: 2.0
RDQ offers a wide range of over 100 default titles for players to access, with the option for server owners to add more as needed.
to add custom titles for players to select or unlock. Duplicate the provided examples and modify them to suit your server's theme. If you have many titles, organize them by placing separate configs inside plugin/RDQ/titles/
to them.
lp user <PlayerName> permission set RaindropQuests.titles.<TitleID> true
lp user %player_name% permission set RaindropQuests.titles.<TitleID> true
Supporter: # TitleID | Permission node: RaindropQuests.titles.supporter
Title: Server Supporter # Title name - Appears in Titles GUI
Material: STICK # In-Game Button
Prefix: Bro # Prefix unlocked
Suffix: the Bro # Suffix unlocked
RDQ provides a shop where players can purchase RDQ-related machines. Key features include machine-specific disablement, compound costs, custom RDQ and economy money settings, and customizable GUI.
RDQ tracks over 450 statistics. Players can easily view their stats using /rq stats
or access them via the Web GUI. Server owners have the flexibility to modify the material used in plugins/RDQ/items.yml
. All RDQ stats are exported to Plan if enabled
RDQ provides a web GUI accessible to players even when offline. Follow these steps to enable and configure the web interface:
. Under the [Server]
section, enable the master server and fill in the IP, Port, and Proxy fields.
and enable the Web GUI.
[10:31:56 WARN]: [RDQ] Failed to find job in items file:
When using custom jobs server owners must add the job to plugins/RDQ/items.yml
. In the example below 4 custom jobs have been added with ID matador, armorer, fundidor, and breeder (case insensitive).
# Job Specific Tokens - Receive level and consume upon use
# Cannot be traded - Set maximum level for each token. 0 or less = no limit
# If your server utilizes custom skills. You need to add it.
Title: <#5555FF>Matador Job Token
- Left click to level up Matador!
Material: STEAK
Max: -1
Title: <#5555FF>Armorer Job Token
- Left click to level up Armorer!
Max: -1
Title: <#5555FF>Fundidor Job Token
- Left click to level up Fundidor!
Material: Cooked_Rabbit
Max: -1
Title: <#5555FF>Breeder Job Token
- Left click to level up Breeder!
Material: cooked_mutton
Max: -1